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Rev. Terrell W. Person
Local Elder: Rev. Dennis Styles

Ministry Team



Sons of Allen


We encourage men to become involved in helping other men find Christ in their lives.

Women's Missionary Society

Leslie Croce​


We are called  to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world.


Leslie Croce​

Lay Organization

Helen Gaines, President


To teach, train, and empower its members for lay ministry, global leadership, and service following the tenets of Jesus Christ.

Usher Board

Mary Perkins, President


We are Junior and Senior Ushers, and we are the Doorkeepers in the House of the Lord.
We ensure the congregation is not disturbed during worship.

Steward Board

Rev. Person, Chair Pro Tem



To foster the values of regular church attendance, giving tithes and offerings, and worship leadership. 


Helen Gaines, President


Assists both the Pastor and Steward Board.

 Young People's Division

Katrice Groce, Director
Jasmine Fuller, President


To provide young people of the congregation with meaningful support, resources, training, guidance, and encouragement in all areas of church life which will encourage participation and enable growth for the future of the church. 

Christian Education


Ramona Pearson-Hunter, Director


Provides Christian educational opportunities for dynamic spiritual growth which will lead to a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, the Christian Religion, and the Christian Church, and an implementation of these values in daily living.

Sunday School

Carlene Groce, Superintendent


To provide classes for all ages each Sunday centered on Bible reading and discussions.

Operational Team

Carolyn L. Pitts, Administrative Assistant

 James Williams, Facilities Operations Manager

Trustee Board

James Williams, President


Responsible for all church property, including management, maintenance, development, and the use of the property.

Sons of Allen
Women's Missionary Society
Lay Organizaton
Usher Board
Steward Board
Young People's Division
Chistian Education
Sunday School
Operational Team
Trustee Board

Thank you for joining us!

Jacob's Chapel strives to set a Christian standard within the Burlington County area, the nation, and the world, through its commitment to caring.

(856) 235-7900


318 Elbo Lane

Mount Laurel, New Jersey

© 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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